


Solo show at Nicole Fiacco Gallery, Hudson, NY, USA
October 2009
When mind is fixed in banal routine, the matrices of neurons remains relatively static; katharsis is an electrochemical event, firing impulses throughout the synapses of our brain in arbitrary clusters. A piece of music, a dream, poetry, etc. may induce an overwhelming emotional release followed by translucent behavior, a sense of cleansing. An event in the past could be experienced again, with greater intensity, when something triggers us to remember that particular event in the present time: a reflection, an aroma, a chord, a screwed up face. These events are like time capsules (pills).
Being a teen again listening to a clip of a '70s song(Bowie’s). Putting a long play record on the platter and experiencing music as the needle follows the analog groove of the album. The needle is a kind of neurological, action potential point. 40 years ago I was born and man stepped on the Moon. Innumerable artists in their respective fields created futuristic projections from the '70s into our present millennium.
Memes, genes and networks, both physical and disembodied (sound/energy). Memes are regarded as cultural analogues to genes, in that they self-replicate and respond to selective pressures. I am thinking of human evolution in the form of cultural phenomena being transmitted into the cosmos, for future “Earths,” or space stations.
A solar conjunction is a caesura of transmission from a spacecraft when it aligns behind the sun. The thought of this radio silence triggered the idea of the mars rovers and human memes being released in to an alien space. In the '70s, NASA sent spacecraft with various plaques inscribed by analog images and other audiospatial information. The Voyager Golden Record was on board one of the few spacecraft that left our solar system.
transcribed by Thomas Mediodia